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Um adeus à bagunça!

Um adeus à bagunça!

Já parou para pensar como é fácil que as coisas se acumulem na nossa casa e, consequentemente, que a bagunça comece a reinar? Não conseguir achar o que procura, roupas bagunçadas, sapatos jogados, objetos brincando de “equilíbrio” dentro do armário, brinquedos espalhados e aquela sensação de desespero dentro da sua própria casa. Como resolver? A...

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Selecta Realty  is the spotlight in the Real Estate market

Selecta Realty is the spotlight in the Real Estate market

The founding partner of CEO & Selecta Realty Bruna Sereno is proud of the work that has been performing at the helm of the company, which results in your professional credibility and international recognition. Born in the city of Jundiaí, Sao Paulo, daughter of Sergio and Elena Bruna Sereno, was foreign trade school at Mackenzie...

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The difficult social and political situation in Brazil and its significant consequences, unemployment, violence, poor health care, limited education and so many other negative circumstances, make it increasing numbers of Brazilians, thinking out of the country in search of better opportunities they know could find in some other location in the world and Orlando is...

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New Times in the business world

New Times in the business world

The question I hear most in the last 10 months is as follows: I want to invest and undertake in the United States but how to start safely and effectively? The answer to this question is straightforward, in all aspects; while many companies can own capital to start your project, others require an external financial...

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Windermere: Excellent schools, high life quality and convenience

Windermere: Excellent schools, high life quality and convenience

Known as one of the best places to live in Florida, Windermere has attracted many residents not only because of its lovely crystal-water lakes and wooded avenues, but also for its ongoing development and growth. As new gate communities have been under construction and roads have been duplicated, this noble area tends through time to...

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The Perfect Sofa!!

The Perfect Sofa!!

Small, medium, large, modern or classic, the sofa will always be the main protagonist of the room. A blend of comfort and style is what influences the choosing of the ideal sofa. Of outstanding feature in any environment and basic item in any property, choosing the sofa is not an easy task. The first thing...

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America for everyone!

America for everyone!

And I can tell you that everyday foreign national seek new opportunities in the USA since business assembling startups, big businesses, and even small shops. The American market is the key to success for many companies around the world; I can assure you open an enterprise in the United States results in a relatively simple...

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Elementar Outdoor Living

Elementar Outdoor Living

Innovating to celebrate is one of the mottos of Elementar Outdoor Living. With an experienced team of professionals tied to an incredible selection of products, it has been innovating and transforming the external environment of its customers into a paradisiacal place. In 2011, Elementar Outdoor Living began operating in the USA. The founding partner, Alexandre...

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Elementar Outdoor Living

Elementar Outdoor Living

Inovar para celebrar é um dos lemas da Elementar Outdoor Living. Com uma experiente equipe de profissionais atrelada a uma incrível seleção de produtos, vem inovando e transformando o ambiente externo de seus clientes em um local paradisíaco. Em 2011, a Elementar Outdoor Living iniciou sua operação nos EUA. O sócio fundador, Alexandre Vasconcellos, após...

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Frases que você não deve falar para seu filho

Frases que você não deve falar para seu filho

Cuidado com o que diz ao seu filho. Tudo o que você diz tem um peso enorme na sua autoestima, na sua forma de ser e estar, nas suas atitudes. Existem frases negativas que jamais os pais devem dizer aos filhos. Devem ser eliminadas do seu repertório porque machucam às crianças, produz humilhação e baixa...

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