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Elementar Outdoor Living

Elementar Outdoor Living
18 maio 2018

capa brazilusa orlando real estate 17Innovating to celebrate is one of the mottos of Elementar Outdoor Living. With an experienced team of professionals tied to an incredible selection of products, it has been innovating and transforming the external environment of its customers into a paradisiacal place.

In 2011, Elementar Outdoor Living began operating in the USA. The founding partner, Alexandre Vasconcellos, after a brief passage through NY, moved to Florida, where he then began to innovate the outdoor environments of several American clients, believing it to be a market thirsty for personalized service and a completely different style.
Combining the experience in the American market, with all the works developed in Brazil, Elementar has realized projects in partnership with great names of the architecture and designers.
With a market that grows 15% a year in the United States, the search for modern, comfortable and sophisticated products is very large. Thus, the elementary, the participation in international fairs and working in the American market trends research, started the representation of various products coming from Italy, Turkey, Belgium, and other Asian countries and many other products quality and manufacture the American , managed to mount a portfolio full options: the floor to finish, gourmet kitchen with the best brands of equipment, sound, lighting, pool, recreation, landscaping and outdoor furniture, in addition to aluminum structures for pergolas and roofs, synthetic grass for kids and mini private golf course – Elementary Outdoor Living offers creativity, good taste, functionality combined with high-quality products, facilities, and service.


Our professionals work with the objective of being the leading company, reference in the external environment segment in the Central axis Florida, South Florida and Rio de Janeiro, offering exclusive products and services, besides own and extremely experienced labor.
Elementar counts on consultants prepared to serve the final client and professionals in the architecture, design and landscaping segment. The professionals responsible for implementing the projects are carefully trained so that clients and partners have the best experience and exceed expectations in the final project result!


At the beginning of 2018, two outstanding projects were developed in residences in the United States, which allowed our clients to enjoy much more of their leisure areas, reaffirming our concept where life should be lived out there. One of these clients is a couple who await the arrival of the first child and wish to have an outside environment of the house to enjoy with the new family member with space, comfort, and leisure. Homeowners – located in Winter Garden – Florida, Alykhan and Karina Dhananni were pleased with the result of all the work done by the staff of Elementar Outdoor Living.

The review

From the moment I hired the elementary to a budget, they surpassed all my expectations with designs top of the line, maximizing our outdoor area using a series of 3-D, gorgeous images showing me the sight of them, including the hearth outdoor, lighting and pool tile.
After hired them, the professionalism of the staff team excelled. And they finished the project on time.

They also always communicated with us weekly visiting the work to discuss some new details that always appear during the process reform and construction, and always had the solution planned and presented.

I recommend Elementar for any outdoor project and I consider Alex, Max ;-), and the entire Elemental team one of the best I’ve ever dealt with.

Alykhan & Karina Dhanani

Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living

Another home that we have the pleasure of having built the outdoor area with a beautiful project is the home of the couple Fernanda Pontes and Diogo Boni, who lives in Windermere, Florida. They went to Elementary to realize the dream of building the most beautiful and comfortable outdoor area to enjoy in the family, with space to live with everyone, with the essence already lived by them in several another family home in Brazil. The goal was that it could be enjoyed by all friends and family here in the USA. The most important point of the project for Fernanda was to create a comfortable and special area for the comfort of the children and little friends of the children who visit the house on weekends.

“Elementary was able to turn what we thought into our home into reality. Having our new outdoor environment made it possible for us to have more space by the pool and a Summer Kitchen that offers everything we had in Brazil. Now it is possible to gather our friends and family for our meetings on weekends. “- says Fernanda Pontes.

Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living
Partnership Rio de Janeiro:

In addition to the projects featured in Florida in the United States, in Rio de Janeiro many projects were carried out in partnership with the landscape artist Luiz H Lima, who with great harmony offers our products and services in their projects!
Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living

Elementar is also proud to have participated in major high-standard homebuilding projects in Alphaville Barra da Tijuca, RJ, in partnership with award-winning architect Toti Queiróz, which is available to customers who also wish to perform customized residential projects in the USA.

By living at home all his life, all the projects created by Toti Queiróz are developed with much attention, beauty, and experience of those who live the life in the external area. This combines with Elementary as it gives your customers the opportunity to enjoy life with comfort out there like a great weekend.

Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living
International Partnership:

Elementar Outdoor Living works in partnership with large companies in the Arquitectura e Construção segment, as well as renowned professionals in the area, seeking to offer a service of impeccable quality.
In the United States, Elementary is involved in projects using innovative techniques such as “high pedestal” porcelain work, such as installing a rooftop home on the Lake Nona Country Club in partnership with Phill Keen Desing Group.

Elementar Outdoor Living Elementar Outdoor Living

Elementary outdoor, I would like to thank “for all people who dream of our dream”, especially our entire team of collaborators and our suppliers, especially: Belgard, Baystone Travertine, Kannoa Furniture & Blaze grills and GR experience in automation.


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