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Selecta Realty is the spotlight in the Real Estate market

Selecta Realty  is the spotlight in the Real Estate market
16 jun 2018

CAPA ORLANDO REAL ESTATE 18The founding partner of CEO & Selecta Realty Bruna Sereno is proud of the work that has been performing at the helm of the company, which results in your professional credibility and international recognition.

Born in the city of Jundiaí, Sao Paulo, daughter of Sergio and Elena Bruna Sereno, was foreign trade school at Mackenzie University when your father was awarded the 2006 Green Card Lottery.
Waiting for a better future, Bruna decided to maintain her studies abroad and at age 20 she moved to the United States.
Her arrival in the United States to become the CEO of Selecta Realty has been a long road journeyed. As with almost any immigrant who is starting a life in another country, was working hard, coming to work threea jobs at the same time.
In Orlando, she attended the College of Business Administration at Webster University, where she graduated in 2010. During the school period, she worked in various segments and functions, such as a waitress, a saleswoman in a clothing store and a lifeguard in one of the largest water parks in Orlando, called Discovery Cove. Selecta Realty Despite the routine race between work and study, Bruna found time to devote to training at the gym of Jiu-Jitsu, whose sport is among her favorites. In 2009, attended the State Championship of Jiu-Jitsu, whose event took place in Orlando, that consecrated champion in your category. In the same period competed in bodybuilding, bikini category, having been crowned a champion in the event in Miami. Currently as hobbies reading, athletic facility and training Muay Thai.
Bruna worked for four years in the Finance Department of SeaWorld, where she received experience in the sector of finance and began to assist their relatives and friends in the negotiations and investments in the United States, especially in real estate, considering that at the time the real estate market was very heated, as is the case currently.
It was at that time that Bruna held her Real Estate course and became a real-estate broker licensed by the State of Florida, passing to act effectively in Selecta Realty the housing market, improving their families, friends and all your customers who believed in her the Mission of finding the property of your dreams or the ideal investment.
Bruna served for four years as a consultant to foreign investors in one of the Orlando real estates until 2015 Bruna came to be a Real Estate Broker and the dream of owning her own business started to become reality. In 2016, the Selecta Realty was officially opened, and after much work and dedication she became a reference in real estate investing for immigrants.
When we question the Bruna which the secret of success, whereas the Selecta has with less than 3 years of existence, and she confirmed to say to us:
“A couple things in life do not account for the total amount of days past, but rather by the number of moments lived and attitudes taken. The Selecta obtained the result of much planning and utmost dedication. Since the company was opened, it remained my priority each day, because for me it is much more than a job, it’s a relationship of love for what I do, with immense personal satisfaction in every private conquest. I celebrate every victory and learn from every mistake. I learned humility, and perseverance is the keys to success in any follow-up.”Selecta Realty
In addition, I know that a company is formed by people because if we are alone we won’t get any place. Therefore, I’m appreciative for all she has done and are part of the trajectory of Selecta; each has a unique role and of paramount importance within the company.
The choice of the professionals who make up the Select family is made with much discretion and caution because the goal is to exceed the expectations of them who trust our work promoting excellence results. Since the person who prepares the coffee, even that which carries out the delivery of the keys to the new property. The satisfied client stays true and assists other current customers.
Although there are several marketing tools available on the market, and we make various investments in this sector, without a doubt the account of the experience of a satisfied customer is the most important, effective and powerful on the market.
There’s the secret of success of Selecta: PEOPLE!
Recognition-in these almost three years of perseverance, commitment and dedication, the Selecta has been working to advise foreign investors, offering a personalized service and excellence, with your team of thoroughly trained experts. The full-time care and responsibility, prioritizing the client, conducts the action, which has your brings more and more fruits of these professional relationships.
Selecta Realty Recognized internationally and with partners in several Brazilian cities, but also in Bogota, Colombia, the business has reached this level due to an ethic and professional conduct adopted and remains from the beginning.

The company also has excelled in the realization of events in Brazil: Selecta Invest Roadshow – where in your edits has already achieved more than 1,500 subscribers. With the partnership of companies and professionals, the event has been promoted in various capitals and Brazilian cities like Manaus, Brasília, São José dos Campos, João Pessoa, Recife, Fortaleza, Belém, Florianópolis and other spreading the name of Selecta Realty effectively, becoming one of the leading real estate companies of Florida. The Selecta is located in Orlando and also has a base in Miami, for customers who wish to invest in South Florida.
Want to know more about Bruna and Selecta Realty? Follow them on social media and sign up on the site to stay on top of everything that’s going on inSelecta Realty the housing market and other news from Florida.



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