01 set 2018
Não é mais novidade a preferência brasileira por imóveis nos EUA quando se trata de investimento no exterior. Mas tão importante quanto construir um patrimônio e usufruir desse benefício em terras estrangeiras, é assegurar-se de que não terá problemas futuros. Você não vai perceber nenhum problema até a venda ou sucessão do imóvel, é aí...
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01 set 2018
Todos os dias me perguntam; O que esperar do mercado imobiliário na Flórida ? E como começar a investir buscando boa rentabilidade ? A primeira resposta que dou é , pode esperar as melhores oportunidades patrimoniais e a segunda resposta; procure a ajuda de um bom consultor imobiliário. Sempre ressalto ais meus clientes a importância...
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01 set 2018
Orlando a “ Cidade da Fantasia “ como é muitas vezes chamada devido a suas principais atrações (Disney, Universal e outros parques de diversão) que atraem gente de todo o mundo. São famílias inteiras que vêem com suas crianças passar férias inesquecíveis que provavelmente se repetirão por varias vezes, excursões de jovens que vêem de...
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01 set 2018
Today it’s possible because of aesthetic procedures. The permanent makeup professional, Juliana Prats, famous for her success at transforming eyebrows Brazil is bringing this new procedure to the US. “Petal Lips” is a permanent makeup technique to correct the symmetry of the lips to improve contour and texture, and give the lips a healthy appearance....
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01 set 2018
During the time I was a partner of J. Closs Events & Weddings, which is led by the talented Janine Closs, I was able to put into practice all my knowledge in the area of Design within Events and Weddings, which for many, may seem two distinct areas, but they have many things in common,...
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01 set 2018
Currently, the willingness of Brazilians by undertaking and live in the United States is enormous. The search has been absolutely significant and doubts, where to start, is always present. According to the specialist in corporate law, business expansion and internationalization, Eliete Negrão, this is the exact time for those who dream of this type of...
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01 set 2018
The State of Florida remains a popular choice when it comes to foreign buyers. In 2017 the total purchases of residential properties made by foreign buyers went up by a significant $24.2 billion, which represented 15 percent of the national residential market. The range of different investment possibilities and the short-term profitability are key factors...
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01 set 2018
The Rotary Club of Brazil Orlando promoted, on July 31st at Gilson’s Restaurant, the Installation Ceremony of the presidents and directors for the year of 2018-19. The business woman and dentist, Patricia Alesandra Curcovezki, and the neuroscience student, Bruna Garbin Paes de Barros, were re-elected and assumed, respectively, the presidency of Rotary and Rotaract. Also,...
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01 set 2018
When it comes to overseas investment, Brazilian preference for real estate in the US is nothing new. However, equally important as building equity and enjoying that benefit in foreign lands, is making sure you won’t run into any problems in the future. Normally, you will not run into any problems until the sale or succession...
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01 set 2018
Every day people ask me; what to expect from the real estate market in Florida? And how to start investing seeking good returns? The first answer I give is, you can expect the best opportunities for assets and the second answer; seek the help of a good real-estate consultant. Always rebound my clients the importance...
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