04 out 2018
Atualmente, o mercado imobiliário nos Estados Unidos tem vivido uma fase que gera muitas curiosidades. Uma delas, é que alguns estados brasileiros, voltados para agronegócios, têm direcionado muito os olhos para as terras americanas. No entanto, não apenas para continuar suas produções, mas como também para compra de terras e arrendamento. Os Estados Unidos possuem,...
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04 out 2018
Será que posso comprar uma casa aqui em Orlando ? Hoje, essa é uma pergunta muito freqüente que se ouve de pessoas residentes no Brasil aqui passando férias, que se encantam com as belezas e qualidade de vida desta cidade e pretendem criar um relacionamento mais estreito com esta região. Também se ouve muito esta...
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04 out 2018
Lights, red carpet, dresses, tuxedos, formal French dinner and very, very luxury. That’s how the event of Creative Design along with Orlando Real Estate magazine BrazilUSA in December 2017. Now, here comes the time of the 2018 Edition, which promises to exceed expectations! The previous event celebrated the first year of the magazine’s circulation and...
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04 out 2018
In September, the Rotary Club of Brazil-orlando had the honor to receive in their meeting, at Gilson’s Restaurant, the presence of the former governor of the District 6980 Sr. Ron Janssen, of the future governor Sra. Cindi Ciioli and the assistant governor Sr. Andres Goyanes. The governor congratulated the president Patricia Curcovezki of the excellent...
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04 out 2018
The last few months have been busy for Dominium Consulting Services. From South to Northeast Brazil, Dominium participated in events aimed at investors and brokers who wish to invest in the US. From July to August 2018, Dominium Consulting Services, together with Real Estate Broker Selma White, visited 9 different cities in Brazil with the...
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04 out 2018
The party to celebrate 2 years of Media Group Orlando, was on 14 September in Nascar I-Drive and attracted 170 guests between Media and sponsoring companies. The party was sponsored by 19 companies: TALENT YOUR REALTY in FLORIDA ORLANDO, FLORIDA ATT, FISK, MACROBABY, SPIRIT OF SAMBA, THE LEBANESE CUISIN, LAKE LUCERNE – Dr. GUSTAVO OLIVEIRA,...
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04 out 2018
If you are fortunate enough to own a vacation home, you may find it difficult and sometimes overwhelming to figure out how to decorate it accordingly, especially if you plan on renting it throughout the year. You need to find a way to balance your p ersonal style and comfort so guests will enjoy being...
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04 out 2018
Currently, the housing market in the United States have experienced a phase that generates many curiosities. One is that some Brazilian States, focusing on agribusiness, have directed a lot of eyes to the native American lands. However, not only to keep their productions, but also to buy land and lease. The United States have, in...
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04 out 2018
The search for an opportunity to better life outside of Brazil is not new. However, due to the economic crisis the country faces, this movement has intensified. Who ever dreamed of opening your own business in the United States? According to data from the American Consulate in Sao Paulo, the Brazilian investment in native American...
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04 out 2018
Can I buy a House here in Orlando? Today, this is a very frequent question you hear of people residing in Brazil here passing vacation, which enchanted with the beauty and quality of life in this town and want to create a closer relationship with this region. Also hear this question from people still in...
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