28 jul 2018
Convenção Anual Rotary Internacional Toronto – Canada O poder de Criar Laços e Conexões – Seja a Inspiração Toronto, a capital de Nice, abriu os braços para receber 25.188 rotarianos de todo o mundo, que compareceram à convenção anual do Rotary em busca de inspiração. A inspiração veio através do encontro de velhos amigos nos...
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28 jul 2018
Assim como no Brasil, existem diferentes tipos de empresas que você pode abrir nos EUA, e para escolher uma delas você precisa conhecer suas particularidades pois esta escolha influencia em tudo, desde as operações da rotina de trabalho até os impostos. Por isso é importante ter uma empresa especializada, que conheça as regras e saiba...
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28 jul 2018
Não foi à toa que a Forbes apontou Orlando como uma das melhores cidades dos EUA para investimentos imobiliários em 2018. Entre os aspectos analisados; população, empregos e preços de casas, foram também medidos indicadores de performance financeira em locações de vacation homes. O contexto positivo não para por aí, os imóveis também ganharam destaque...
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28 jul 2018
A obrigação de se pagar imposto é compulsória aos contribuintes que pratiquem fatos geradores tributários em sua respectiva jurisdição, ou até mesmo em outros países, dependendo dos negócios que realizar no exterior. Todavia, sempre quando couber, o planejamento tributário é utilizado mundialmente como ferramenta essencial para redução de custos fiscais de forma absolutamente lícita, devendo...
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28 jul 2018
Atlantic American Partner’s director of global business development, Opening doors for immigrant Investors Rosie Roden, a Brazilian executive, joined Atlantic American Partners in 2016 as Director of Global Business Development. She is originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and has extensive experience working in Latin America, Asia and Europe. Rosie completed her Master’s degree in...
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28 jul 2018
Who is she? •Brazilian •Graduate in Cosmetology and aesthetics •Presentations and specializations in more than ten countries •Ten years working in aesthetics •Phibrows certificate by Branko Babic (the creator of the microblading tecnique) •Expert in fine lines that give a natural result •Gives courses in five countries, including the USA HOW EVERYTHING STARTED Juliana did...
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28 jul 2018
Is there anything better than reading a good book while you relax in your favorite chair, away from reality and a stressful day, plunging into the fantastic adventures of stories and literary worlds? But for this, you need to create an inviting and cozy space, whose purpose can be enjoyed not only for reading, but...
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28 jul 2018
If we’re talking about economics and business; especially the stock market boom, the low unemployment rate, the growth of GDP and the increased confidence of entrepreneurs, these factors have effectively paved a new path for many US businesses. In fact, many indicators are showing the great performance in this American economy, certainly better than many...
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28 jul 2018
Whenever you think about relocating your family, it’s commonplace that the following question comes to your mind: Where would it be the best place to live? Some people might already have a few options in mind, but are not sure on how to analyze the key factors to assure you will make the right decision...
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28 jul 2018
Rotary International Annual Convention Toronto – Canada The Power of create partners and connections- Be the Inspiration Toronto, the Capital of Nice, opened its arms this week to welcome 25,188 Rotarians from around the world, who came to Rotary’s annual convention looking for inspiration — and finding it. Whether it was by seeing old friends...
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