03 nov 2018
When we stop to think about the market of buying and selling currencies, many people refer this idea to the pyramids. However, a modality that comes to occupy a high degree of investment in the financial market is the famous Forex. Milton Eliseu, businessman who has specialized over the years on the implementation of platforms and payment technology systems for internet and currently serves as one of the controllers of the Pagga group – a company that provides high technology for automated processing, payroll outsourcing and meal cards worth and meal, moving more than 200 million dollars in transactions annually-explains why and how investors may diversify your bets in this large market. The acronym Forex is an abbreviation of Foreign Exchange, that is, a market for the purchase and sale of currencies worldwide. For being a global exchange, the Forex segment moves more than 5 trillion dollars a day. Since 2004, the market registered a high growth, in view of the emergence of Brokers (brokers) online.
“To give you an idea, the New York Stock Exchange moves around 2% of the value per day. That means that Forex market is the most liquid market of the financial world.“
The idea is simple: you make money by buying the currency when it’s low (expecting an increase) or sell the currency on the high (expecting a decrease) to sell when it’s down. According to Milton, one of the biggest advantages of this market is the possibility of leveraging the amount invested.
“For example, you invest an initial margin of a thousand dollars and can buy and sell currencies worth up to 100,000 dollars, that is, 100 times. Or even more often, depending on where you make the negotiations. There are brokers that you can leverage up to 500 times the amount invested. What makes it possible to obtain high earnings in the negotiations.”
Another motivator for this investment, in addition to diversify your portfolio, is the high liquidity. Because it is a large market, moving trillions of dollars a day, you can do any operation in less than a second and, besides that, your investment may be withdrawn at any time. However, Milton remembers that as any type of investment, Forex also has its risks. How is used the leverage to bring high gains, it is also possible to have high losses. Especially, if there is a good strategy and constant monitoring of the market.
“It’s not for anyone. You must have a thorough knowledge to operate properly and minimize the risks.”
But, how to invest in Forex? It’s very simple. Because it is an open market, you can find several forex brokers in the internet itself. It is only necessary to open an account online, transfer the funds that you want to be invested and start operations. Besides, it emerged several options of ways to operate to make life easier for investors, especially beginners. It is possible, for example, eenlist the help of computer algorithms that perform automatic negotiations following a predetermined strategy, or follow in the footsteps of other market players. Milton Eliseu points out that the important thing to keep in mind at the moment is that the Forex requires a lot of know ledge and experience in the market. For profit, you need knowledge, development of strategies for entrance and exit transactions, patience, discipline and confidence in your analysis. Only the disciplined and prudent investor is able to survive in the long run. Was thinking about it that the businessman, along with Vitor Hugo Raisa Chagas, a systems architect for over 22 years, with 10 years of experience in the Forex market, created a platform called Smart FX, designed for the Forex market and operates 100% automated.
“Just on this platform we’ve invested MILLIONS of dollars during these five years, since investments in the market and in development. We had to implement a lot of adjustments during all of these years to fine tune the platform to perform better in the market.”
The Smart FX platform has elaborated strategies, respecting best practices for risk protection used on the market. Money management is conducted with a high level of intelligence and the strategies are optimized automatically to accommodate all the changes of the market. It is a robust, fully scalable platform to operate with thousands of accounts simultaneously and with backup and security systems.
“The platform has been developed not only, as there is on the market, as the robots. It has a whole set of strategies and an itelligence of self optimization depending on the behavior of each currency and market. On our 12-month operations present in up to 3% gains per month, although not indicative of guaranteed future results, it shows potential and differential regarding the other platforms mostly available in the market ”
An important factor is that, in order to participate, the client does not need to understand the Forex market and not even bothering to keep making decisions, as is done in other types of online operators. Everything is done automatically, Everything is done automatically and the only thing that the client needs to do is to follow through the application available desktop and mobile. The client needs to do is follow by the application available for mobile or by computer. In addition, the Smart FX platform reduces the level of risk of losses that occur in the Forex market. Through intelligent computer algorithms, which constant follow the market behavior, safety locks may be eventually triggered in order to minimize factors of risk and therefore further losses. Currently, being the one that moves the greatest volume on a daily basis, the Forex market is one of the most targeted by investors and traders. All trades are carried out by specialized brokers. However, the largest Forex brokers are europeans and do not accept US residents unless they are able to fulfill some minimum requirements of capital. Those who are already in the United States, require that the investor be awarded some standards, hindering the entrance of resident. When Milton Eliseu and Vitor Hugo Chagas the platform operations, everything was developed for european brokers. To this end, the entrepreneurs opened a company in Switzerland so they could operate for their customers. In other words, any client that wants to invest the Forex market, as long as he or she is not a US resident, just open and account online in a Swiss Bank and the company operates in your name. In the case of US investors, entrepreneurs opened an operation in the United States, through a hedge fund named Global FX Investments.
Therefore, the Forex market is a great thread to invest, enabling high earnings and portfolio diversification. However, just like everything else, it’s extremely important knowledge, attention and caution to reduce the risk of loss.
“To give transparency to investors, our companies are properly monitored by regulators in each country. For the preparation and management of Global FX Investments, we work with lawyers, administrators and auditors who are among the five top of the United States.”